The Protection of Information Bill also known as the Secrecy Bill, is the South African legislation that is intended to protect state information. The number of bodies such as the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU), have raised objections about this legislature, claiming that it will limit the rights of people who are in possession of classified information. COSATU is said to have criticised the a lot about this bill especially for the lack of clarity when it comes to the classification of information in terms of making it criminal for individuals who are in possession of such information.
There has also been stories published on the Internet for surfing, such as the one titled;
"We Stand Against the Secrecy Bill" , numbering by hundreds of various human rights groups and media houses across South Africa - including the
Right2Know organisation - are protesting against the Protection of Bill. There is a number of
prepared documents, over 3000 , explaining about the Secrecy Bill on the state security website, therefore try and check it out yourself. Within my community, I constantly here lot of people talking enough about this Bill, saying that we as people need to prevent the state from pushing through this issue, and allowing it to become a law. I therefore questioned a number of people whether they know what the Secrecy Bill really is, all of them confessed that they have never seen or read the Bill. However, they had seen advertisements against the Bill on television and they have heard opposition parties to the ruling party, African National Congress (
ANC), calling for it to be blocked.
The bigger question here is, where do we go from her and what do we do to fight against the Bill?
The answer is simple, in a communications' point of view, there is a body called the
Right2Know Campaign (R2K) which is a nation-wide coalition of people and organisations opposed to the Protection of Information Bill. Therefore what are you waiting for, I urge you all to
sign up on the R2K website, for statements regarding this Bill.